Prayer opens God's storehouse of treasures

Right now I feel so excited that the kids are safely in bed for the night, if you thought with them being a little older things would get better, think again. I would'nt want them to hear me saying that, though they're fiercely independant at this age, they still look for mum and dad to assist with numerous tasks, like school work. Since mum homeschools them and enjoys her free time to work on her new businesses, homework is dad's baby. Well I am working with one of my internet mentors Jomar Hilario who is simply wonderful in the way he teaches me. His lessons are down to earth and considering that he's quite patient with me and my limited internet knowledge is a blessing. My goood friend Bo Sanchez recommended him, as he was the guy that took Bo's business to greater heights and thats one of the reasons we went with Jomar, on Bo's recommendation. I trust Bo Sanchez, simply because he is a man of great integrity, we've been fortunate to seek his counsel about doing business in the market place with solid christian principles. God has moved in amazing ways in our lives. Prayer certainly has brought the right programmes into our lives and we have literally been blessed. As if God has opened up his storehouse and poured out an abundance of blessings down on us. We also learned a great deal from other great men and woman of God, that helped mentor us when we were about to give up on ever walking in the good things that God has for us, through showing us how to be obedient to God's word and have unwavering trust in him. Friends, never stop believing God to show you the way. Bo Sanchez has a wonderful ministry also focused on us, as believers helping make this world a better place and shining our light into the darkest corners to where Jesus has called us. When God calls we must be ready to go, we as a family are making sure that we are ever ready to the call of God on our lives. Are you? Life is too short for us to wonder whether we're good enough or at a perfect place in our lives for us to answer the call of God on our lives, instead we must listen for the small still voice that will direct us and point the way. We must prepare ourselves by having a deeper relationship with our Father God and soaking ourselves in his word. This my friends together with linking arms with other believers, will definitely bring many. many lost souls into the kingdom of God.


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