
Showing posts from May, 2010


What ever happened to the days when people were genuinely happy for each other? You remember...those days when nobody ever wanted something that someone else had..... Oh wait.....those days never existed. Jealousy is probably one of the world's oldest emotions. It's been around since the beginning of time. Look at Cain and Abel. Now there's a prime example of jealousy run amok....... What causes jealousy? Why does it start and how do you overcome it? Here are some common causes: # Unmet expectations. # Many times we place unrealistic expectations on ourselves and the people around us. Often times we feel things should come easier and faster to us. Then when things don't happen when we think they should, we ALWAYS run into someone who already has what we want, and all of a sudden, you feel this surge of ugly, green emotion called jealousy.Our sense of entitlement. # For some reason we have this ingrained attitude that we are entitled to things. Kids leaving the nest for


Building self esteem is no different than a contractor building a structure. If the foundation is strong, the building won't fall down. But if the contractor skimps on this part of the process or uses the wrong materials, the building will never last. Your own self esteem is your foundation. It is the product of many years of both positive and negative words and events in your life that you felt deeply and, more importantly, that you recorded in your mind. It isn't easy to "undo" the parts of your self image that you view as negative. It's taken more than a day for you to get to where you are, and it will take more than a day to make a change. But the good news is that it can be done! Here are four things you can start doing right now that will change things for the better. 1. Refuse to let other people fill your mind with nothing but negative stuff. If you're in relationship with people who do nothing but tear others down, it's time to find some new frien


Define Patience.....the Bible says it's a virtue. Yet people seem to be getting worse and worse at practicing this elusive skill. Why is that? Perhaps it's the fact that we're all so "busy" with life that we can't consider taking the time to wait for someone else. Perhaps we value our own time and our own agenda far more than the current needs of someone else. Or perhaps we've become accustomed to rudeness and impatience as normal behavior. Is that sad or what? I think most people would like to think they don't fall into one of those categories. In fact, I think most people would rather not think about whether they're patient at all.....after all, they have alot more important things to be thinking about. Or do they? Learning how to be patient doesn't happen overnight, and it certainly isn't something you can learn in a book. Unfortunately, practicing patience can't be done unless you're in a situation that requires it. That means y


Why is it so much easier to have a negative attitude than a positive one? What's inside you that just naturally pulls you to the negative side of things? You read the books, you attend the seminars, you buy the tapes.....and things seem to go well for awhile. You feel better, your outlook is better, and you're hopeful. That is.....until something happens that sends you reeling all over again. It doesn't even have to be a major, catastrophic event to send you back to the land of negative thinking. It can be something as simple as someone cutting you off in traffic or pushing ahead of you in the grocery checkout line. What gives those seemingly simple occurrences of every day life so much power to literally throw you into a tizzy all over again? Negative attitudes come from negative thoughts that come from reactions to negative behavior....and around the cycle goes. And you must know that none of this negative stuff is coming from God. There is nothing negative about the way


Being a Christian doesn't insulate you from stress. In fact, finding ways to relieve stress is important for Christians and non-Christians alike. Because anxiety and stress are pretty much everywhere you look these days, it gets increasingly harder to see what's causing it. Why are people so stressed? Who's putting all this pressure on you? Amidst all the turmoil, if you're able to step back long enough to answer this question, you will most likely discover that person is you. Yup, you're creating most of your own stress because of your habits, attitudes, and choices. So why not just change all that stuff? Everything should be great, shouldn't it? Wouldn't it be wonderful if it were just that easy? Unfortunately for those of us who live amongst all the chaos of life, making changes seems to add even more stress. Ugh. So what are your options? Where do you start? # Spend Time with God. As a Christian, your first line of defense should always be God's Word


That pretty much says it, doesn't it? The truth is... everybody uses judgment every day. It just gets more complicated when other people evaluate the "judgment". Whether it was good or bad depends on who you ask. So how do you know who to listen to? Who gets to decide if you're showing good judgment? The answer comes when you look to God for answers. Believing and relying on God's word sheds incredible light on the issue. Because God has an amazing plan for you and your life, He does all He can to help you find and attain it. That means when you work with God, He gives you the grace to make right decisions and show good judgment. Of course, I'm not so sure that extends to that ugly, green shirt you just bought because it was on sale. And it might not cover your decision to shave your head because you lost a bet. I think the consequences of those decisions will ultimately be yours and yours alone! There is a real danger, though. Just because you're working


Where is that instruction manual on raising kids? You know, the one the hospital gives you just before you leave with your new baby? Well, you can dream, can't you? What do you suppose an instruction manual would look like? Can't you just see it? It would contain some great categories like, "How to Stop the Whining", and "How to Get Your Kids to Listen When You Talk". Unfortunately, Christian parents face just as many obstacles as non-Christians in raising kids. AND when you add all the worldly distractions, Christian parenting becomes more than a challenge. A huge part of that challenge is passing on your faith to kids whose priorities are more focused on PC games, sporting events, and the latest trends in clothes. But the good news is that there are things you can do to raise Godly kids and even share your faith with them. First, you must live out your Faith in your own life. It is impossible to give away something you don't have. Kids can spot a phony


Getting caught up in all the world says, is not important and is probably the biggest hindrance to keeping our Christian priorities at the top of our list. It's so easy to go about our business every day, look out for our own interests, and if someone else is having problems, well, "thank goodness it's not me". Most of the time we can't see anything important enough to make us stop moving long enough to evaluate where we are, let alone where we're going. And of course, as long as we don't feel an immediate, pressing problem preventing us from moving forward, there's no reason to stop. At least, that's what the world says. Most of the time it takes some kind of tragedy to stop us in our tracks. Then we look around and wonder why it happened...why me? And that's when the struggle really starts. Sound familiar? I Can't Look... There they all are; our priorities all laid out, Christian or not. When we're forced to look at where we are, some


There is nothing more destructive or paralyzing, but yet you would be very hard pressed to find a handful of people in your own life who do not complain regularly. Why is that? Where did that overwhelming sense of entitlement come from? Is it because you are blessed beyond comprehension and you won't settle for anything less than the best and most of absolutely everything? Or is it because your sense of "me first" is so prevalent that complaining just comes as a natural after-effect? It's easy to complain about your boss or in-laws. After all, those people were put on this earth just to test your patience and fortitude, right? And it's easy to complain about money. After all, you can only chase so many blue light specials..... And of course your spouse.....well, talk about Dr. Jekyl and Mr. married one person and somewhere along the line, when you weren't looking, you ended up with another. Now, if ever there was a reason to complain. In fact,


Have you ever spent time with one of your kids where all you did was just "hang out?" If you have grown kids, and you ask them what they remember most about their childhood, I would bet they recall a time where you spent an afternoon participating in some fun activity. As parents, it sometimes takes a while for us to discover that the thing our kids want most from us is our time. But oh, time always seems to be the thing we find in short supply. I remember when my son was about 4 years old. I would play board games with him in the afternoons. I remember he and I would always claim to be "Champion of the World" when one of us would win. Of course, beating a 4 year old isn't exactly something to brag about on my resume, but nonetheless, I always made sure the title passed back and forth... sometimes. My son and I both fondly recall those days as very special times when we built a relationship. And the truth is... I had a hard time saying no to my son after all th


There's nothing worse than somebody trying to preach to you about something going on in your life when all you can think about is finding a way to make it right. At that moment, the last thing you want to see is somebody carrying a Bible, acting like they know exactly what you need and how you feel. And truth be told, when they ask you to read from their Bible, you're thinking you'd rather hit them over the head with it! This is the very scenario that makes the concept of sharing your faith so intimidating. Most people would like to help others, but knowing what to say and how to say it stops you in your tracks. So how do share your faith without making people run and hide from you? People can spot a phony from a mile away. The absolute worst thing you can do is say one thing and do another. If you aren't committed to applying Christian principles in your own life, you will not only be ineffective, but will be seen as insincere and phony. People aren't as interested


While it's true some people seem to find their life purpose easier than others, it's also true that God really does have a plan for every single person, even if it takes a while to see what it is. Most people think finding your life purpose means doing something you truly love. It's an area that just seems natural to you and things just seem to fall into place. But what if things aren't so clear for you? What if you're not sure what your gifts are? What if you haven't discovered any particular talent that makes you think it could be your true calling in life? Or what if you're working somewhere and you're good at it, but you just don't feel fulfilled? Is this all there is for you? Don't panic. You're not alone. There are lots of people in the same boat. Take a look at the Disciples. Now, there's a diverse group. Before Jesus came on the scene, they were fishermen, tax collectors, farmers, etc. They must've been good at what they were


What is it about the word, "tithing" that makes people nervous? Why does it seem to go against the grain? Why is it so hard to live the lifestyle of a giver? Many people believe your Christian walk has absolutely nothing to do with giving.....much less your finances. There are those who complain outwardly about all the poverty, the homeless, and the sick in our world. Yet they pass needy people in their own neighborhoods every single day, and don't give them a second thought. It's so much easier to concentrate on your own life and your own circumstances. After all, it's not right to pry into other people's business... Christian giving is not the thing you begrudgingly do on some Sundays when you attend services. It's a lifestyle that involves every part of who you are as a Christian. Developing a giving lifestyle means you're actively seeking ways to be a blessing. Yes, you certainly pray for people. But you also actively participate in helping meet th


I will definitely not be there for your 13th, I am sorry girl, since I know how much you were looking forward to that. Know that you will always be my little girl. My prayer for you is that you will serve Jesus with the whole of your heart. That your quiete gentle spirit will become your strong point and that others will see the love of Jesus in you. I was delighted at your birth and thrilled when I held you in my arms. Granny and I journeyed to see you, as soon as we heard the good news, my only great grand-daughter, I was so proud of you, it was like looking down at your mum again. Those rosy pink, flushed cheeks. I pray that you will always remember me, your papa, for I will continue to love you very much, alongside your greatgran in our new home in heaven. One fine day when you are old and grey, we will be sure to meet again. Remember when I spoke on Caleb's 13th I said that, I pray God keeps me for your 13th, what I do know is, that his plan is perfect, so do not be sad, fo


I sit in my office staring out the window at the rain beating softly against the pane and I am a three years old again, running alongside my grand papa as he closely inspects the fruit trees in our orchard. I gaze up into papa’s eyes and see him knit together his eyebrows as he snaps twigs and branches and runs the soil through his hands checking on things way beyond the understanding of a three year old. My papa is never too busy to gather me into his strong arms and explain what he’s doing for the millionth time. The fresh scent of plums ripening, hanging dewy fresh all purplish red and juicy. Our plums were by far the best, papa would carefully break of a plum that was just right, rubbing it against his shirt to clean it before letting me sink my little teeth into it, sticky plum juice clinging to my cheeks, he would laugh his special throaty chuckle and then wipe my mouth with his crisp white handkerchief that smelled of fresh flowers and lots of love. Papa was a very busy m


More so than ever before, we really do need to keep awake and be vigilant to guard off any attack of the enemy. We have a responsibility to stay alert and skillfully use the Word of God in prayer. "Take heed, watch and pray." -- Jesus Christ In Mark 13:33-37 Jesus used the word 'watch' four times. He wasn't telling us to walk around fearful, but to stay in touch with God and the Holy Spirit throughout the day - so we can get up-to-the-minute instructions to stop the plan of the enemy. (John 16:13) When we keep watch and are spiritually awake, we are in a position to hear instructions and respond to the leading of God. We are better able to recognize the tactics of the enemy. Then, instead of being on the defense after the enemy attacks, we can use Jesus' name to block the enemies plans. We can defeat any evil plan that comes against us. Isaiah 54:17 promises us that: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall

Are you everything you want to be in God?

I'm not just talking about "having the stuff you want to have." I mean the person that you're being each and every that person the most fulfilled version of you imaginable? There's a phrase that goes "Get over yourself", and while it may have a negative connotation because it just sounds rude, it's actually very often the key to realizing the life you've always dreamed of. Let me explain what I mean by "getting over yourself"... You see, I would venture to say that most people are not living 100% authentically who they aspire to be. I can say quite honestly that there are areas in my life where I'd like to be authentic and more effective in the kingdom of God. So why am I not? What is ANYONE not? The short answer is "resistance". We have fear or doubt about playing full out. But where did that resistance come from? What can we do about it? What is the real impact that it's having in our experience of life? Thi


In the Old Testament, two women stand out. Deborah stands as the only woman in the Old Testament who was elevated to a position of political and spiritual power by the common consent of the people. She served as a home-maker, and later added to that keeping the tabernacle lamps. This had a deep spiritual impact in shaping Deborah into the spiritual and military warrior that she became. She was to give the light of life to Israel as she led them into a true spiritual awakening. Not only was Deborah a prophetess, she was also a judge. That is to say, Deborah was a foreshadow of Joel's prophecy in (Joel 2) Deborah was courageous enough to confront Sisera, and together with Barak, defeated him. The other woman was Esther, a slave in a foreign land. Though pushed into a corner by the odd culture of the ancient kingdom, she managed by prayer and courageous resolve, to save the people of Israel form imminent destruction. Her indirect contribution to their spiritual well being rests in the


Don't let yourself down. Get up and get going. Make your mark in the sands of history. If the only contribution you make to life is having children, then you have failed. There is within you potential waiting to be tapped. You may be a wife but you have a full, independent life to live. Submission does not imply oppression. Your husband will provide for you all right, but that does not mean that you can't grow up financially. Your ideas are not inferior: put them to work! Your body is not inferior: put it to work! Your dream is not inferior: wake up and pursue it! There is more to live for! No other religion gives us (women) as much liberty and power as Christianity – rise up and maximize the moment! We don't need more, when we are using much less than we have. Life is dull when you are not contributing your quota. Nobody can effectively take your place – fill up the vacuum. You have no other life to live but this: live it to the full. I am greatly inspired by Rev Dada who


Yes, it is time for every woman to stand up. We are not standing to compete with man, but to compliment him. We are not standing out to push man away, we are occupying our rightful position in Christ! Our rights are secured in the actual interpretation of the Word of God, not the jaundiced interpretation proferred by advocates of patriarchy. This is not women liberation! This is discovery for women – a discovery of our positions in Christ, a discovery of our strong and unique purpose in God, a discovery of our place in destiny! It is not “them” vs “us”: it is “us” in God, fulfilling our God – ordained role in the church and society, catalyzing an evolution towards God's ultimate purpose for the family. The ideal 21st century woman can do all that God's Word says she can do. We will not be limited by patriarchal interpretation of reality. We will not be hampered by organized and cultural practices that subjugate and oppress woman-hood! We are taking what God in Christ Jesus had

How to find the best Christian Home Based Business

So you've been searching for a Christian home based business opportunity... WHAT should you be looking for? With the myriad of home business opportunities out there ... each one claiming to be the answer you have been looking for .... how do you know which one is the best Christian based home business for you? And if you've ever wanted to work from home, you know how desperately you want to believe all those promises of untold wealth just flooding into your bank account without you having to do one single thing to make it happen! Well ...... nice though that would be - it certainly isn't the reality of the situation!! However, there ARE Christian home based businesses out there that are excellent and as we are very clearly called to rise above and out of the world's system, a work from home business opportunity is often an answer to prayer - I know it certainly was for me! So, what do you look for in a good Christian Home Based Business opportunity? A good place to star

Business and Blessings

You may be wondering what “blessings” have to do with business-- or how there could be any connection between the two. If you have found yourself here, it is likely that you are someone who can truly relate to this concept after just a bit of explanation! Some of us believe that one of our main purposes in life is to “share ourselves and help others.” You have found a rare new business opportunity, which fully encompasses these values. Not only do you have the chance to build a wonderful degree of success, you can do it alongside of other people who share the very same values as you. I would think that this in itself is a blessing-- and perhaps you will agree! For many of us, a “blessing” can seem to be a “small miracle.” There are simply so many grand things that happen, exactly at the right time, when they are most needed. While I'm sure that you, also, have heard people express that all such things are usually coincidences, somehow that never really seems to add up-- there

Who You Are In Christ

Friends as a christian, to be effective for God we need to know, who we are in Christ. We cannot simply get saved and carry on as if nothing significant happened in our lives. As of that moment we need to embrace a new manner of thinking, one that helps us establish that God has enabled us and empowered us to do great things in our lives. There should be significant changes in how we respond to life and our circumstances in the future. We should acknowledge, as believers we have the power to change our circumstances and create a higher life based on the what God has for us. I challenge you to read Deuteronomy 28 on the blessings of obedience in blows me away to think that God just asks for our obedience and we need never trudge through a drudgery in our lives instead He promises us every good thing. I want all those good things that loving and obeying God could bring into my life. Friends dont you see? Our God wants us to be prosperous, its when we only focus on prosperity that it b

Children of the King

Every king's citizenry will most definitely reflect its splendour. Just as any king will want his citizens to be happy and prosperous as their happiness and well being reflect on him. The greater the prosperity of a nation, the greater the honor that rests on the king who provides well for his people. With the same token in mind citizens of God's kingdom are supposed to reflect what our king Jesus is like in the way we dress,live, act,walk and talk. Children of God are citizens of God's kingdom and must truely reflect the nature of our God, who is kind, loving,compassionate, gentle,slow to anger and above all righteous. That is why under no circumstances does Heaven ever experience economic crisis or shortage, because God is a man of his word who takes care of his citizens. Since you become a citizen of Heaven when you get saved God will take care of you too. Psalm 37:17 says The Lord upholds the righteous. I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade

how to prosper in this lifetime Sunday, February 7, 2010 When life gives you lemons, make lemonade Welcome to my blog, hope you enjoy reading about our family's belief in a God who never fails. My name is Denise and I am wife to the most amazing man Ray, stay at home mom and homeschool teacher to my adorable kids Caleb Rahoul 14 and Sele'ha Mikhaila 12. We are an average middle class family that believes in the simple things in life, like an immense love for the country and sea if that makes any sense at all. My friend once said I was strange, she said I either had a love for the country or a love for the sea, but I'm different and I don’t see why I or should I say we could'nt love both, which we do anyway. Well, while Sonya my friend loves the sea her husband loves the mountains. We live across the road from the ocean and try to get away to the country as often as we can. What I love best is to gaze out my bedroom window at the sea, as it thrashes about spitting foamy