Children of the King

Every king's citizenry will most definitely reflect its splendour. Just as any king will want his citizens to be happy and prosperous as their happiness and well being reflect on him. The greater the prosperity of a nation, the greater the honor that rests on the king who provides well for his people. With the same token in mind citizens of God's kingdom are supposed to reflect what our king Jesus is like in the way we dress,live, act,walk and talk. Children of God are citizens of God's kingdom and must truely reflect the nature of our God, who is kind, loving,compassionate, gentle,slow to anger and above all righteous. That is why under no circumstances does Heaven ever experience economic crisis or shortage, because God is a man of his word who takes care of his citizens. Since you become a citizen of Heaven when you get saved God will take care of you too.

Psalm 37:17 says

The Lord upholds the righteous. I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children beg bread.

To access the riches of heaven it means that we as God's children need to have a clear understanding that God the Father owns everything and we own nothing at all. Also that He in his wisdom may choose to give whatever He wants to whoever He wants.
The kingdom of Heaven promises us the power over all things and all circumstances meaning my friend that we need to recognise that we as believers have been made able to call out our circumstances. We need to choose not to live in situations that are less than what God called us to be. We have to learn to think a new way contrary to the way that we have been taught since we were babies. We need to embrace a higher life and new teachings that allows us to embrace a loving Father who's good pleasure it is to bless you in all areas of your life. To bring healing and victory to you in great measure. Friends we need to embark on a real relationship with Jesus, He wants to know you and I on a deeper level. God will use you greatly if only you will let him. We have made it our mission in life to help every believer achieve their purpose in life for Jesus. You can be anybody you want to be if you will just believe that God created you to be great. That He knows the plans He has for you, plans to bless you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Folks we need to walk in and act act in those blessings. We are a living testimoney of his goodness. My husband and I needed to believe God for what we have now when we could not see it. We needed to believe what the word said about God's plan for us and not what the world said. We needed to die to self and stop being hurt by every little thing that someone said or did. We needed to believe the bible plus nothing and the bible minus nothing. It certainly took toughening up on our part. In order to see God's goodness in our lives we needed to set aside time to know God and soak in his presence. To revel in the fact that we are his and there's no good thing He wont give us when we are obedient to his word. Believe God's word over your situation and see the change that comes over it. However God's word says that He does not delight in someone who wavers in his faith. Someone who's neither here nor there. Friends we got to get serious with God and listen for his voice and know what it is He is calling us as believers to do. Everyone of us is called to specific task but all of us are called to bringing the lost to Jesus. We need to witness for Jesus wherever we are, we should never be ashamed to give someone the good news of Jesus. However it will not always be easy to do this, we must charge forward and accomplish all He has called us to do. Folks do not wait to achieve this dream at a time when you feel you will be ready to do this, for some of us that time sadly does not come. We constantly defer things and look for excuses as to why we cannot accomplish much for Christ. There's a dying world out there some of whom have never heard the name of Jesus. I urge you to link arms for Jesus by joining other believers to bring the gospel of Jesus to a world that does'nt know him. Millions die not knowing God, let us change the world for Christ as believers who embrace our calling while earning to provide for ourselves and see the nation changed.

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